Moodle Hosting

Moodle AM0

25 € / month

Moodle AM1

39 € / month

Moodle AM2

69 € / month

Moodle AM3

109 € / month

Subscription fee
From 59 € * From 59 € * From 59 € * From 59 € *
Disk space
5 GB
25 GB
50 GB
100 GB
Enrolled students Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Students connected at the same time
10 30
Management and technical assessment
Optional (**)
Most recent version available
Plug-in installations
Number of courses
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Platform type
Dedicated Dedicated Dedicated Dedicated
Monthly transfer
Automatic back-up copies
Customizable (corporate image)
No commitment to stay

Prices do not include VAT.

Consult our technical advice plans and Moodle management plans.
We hire out our hosting and advice services at an international rate.

(*) Subscription and design options

Subscription fees will vary according to the platform’s degree of aesthetic customization (design). We offer three subscription plans depending on the intricacy of platform design:

  • Basic design subscription (59 €): the Moodle will be installed with one of the standard themes that comes with the program.
  • Intermediate design subscription (119 €): the Moodle will be installed with a header, footer, various letterheads and colors. The customer will provide us with the designs and the ones from his webpage will be used.
  • Advanced design subscription (249 €): like the previous plan, only that our design team will create an attractive, up-to-date design for the program. 

(**) Technical assessment and management

Do you need our help managing the Moodle? With our technical assessment and management plans, we can help you.

What do our technical assessment plans include?

In our management and technical assessment plans, we perform the following tasks:

  • Advising customers via telephone and e-mail about which online courses are best for them
  • Moodle platform updates
  • Plug-in installation and updates
  • Student enrollment
  • Incident management (e.g. a student forgets his/her password and we have to reset it)
  • In general, anything you might need to allow you to focus on giving online classes
We offer technical assessment and management plans from 30 € a month

If you need to teach an online class and you do not have an online Moodle training platform (virtual classroom), we can help you with the means of hiring.

Are you new to Moodle? Do you not have many classes to teach? Our Moodle for hire platforms are the ideal solution.

Moodle hosting plans

Dependiendo del número de alumnos que tengas un tu curso te ofreceremos un plan u otro para que tu curso aula virtual funcione con un buen rendimiento.

We offer plans starting at 25 € / month.

Moodle Customization

You can have a totally customized online Moodle training platform with the same design as your webpage or we can create a new design for you.

Technical and self-manageable assessment

Choose from one of our technical assessment plans where we can help you in the day-to-day preparation of your courses or, on the other hand, if you are a proficient Moodle-user, you can be totally independent.

Hiring a platform or having your own?

Depending on the number of courses you have, it might be profitable for your business to have its own platform. We will advise you on this and offer either possibility.

Within 24 hours, you could be giving online classes

We can offer you three main plans depending on your company’s needs.

Moodle hosting arrangements with a performance guarantee.

We can also

  • manage your courses
  • enroll students
  • send activity reports
  • upload content
  • create forums, tests, tasks, …
  • advise you on the best way to provide your online training
  • create certificates of competence for your students

We provide assistance via telephone and e-mail.

Free quote

Ask us for a free quote in the customer service section. We will offer you a customized solution for your business.

If you like, we can host your Moodle platform on our platforms. We will take care of:

  • Performance
  • Updates
  • Back-up copies
  • Doubts / queries
  • Setting adjustments
  • Etc
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